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[guide] starting out with create!

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Heyyo 1m zee
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Joined: August 25th, 2023, 12:15 pm

[guide] starting out with create!

Post by Heyyo 1m zee »

Hello there! So, I heard some help would be appreciated with the learning of the create mod, as such I'm here to offer some basics to help yall start enjoying the mod as much as possible :D

this will be a basic overview without much detail, I will have other guides that go into further detail on how the different things function posted within the replies of this post.

The create mod is a tech and decor mod that uses rotation as its Powersource, we make things that spin and then use shafts and chains to use that spin in other things, the rotation also has direction, so depending on how you have it things may spin clockwise or counterclockwise.
The create mod has a built-in tutorial system called pondering, it does not go into detail or at length in anything it shares but it does usually give enough information to start experimenting with the blocks in creative.
Speaking of creative I personally recommend making a superflat world, turning off generated structures and experimenting with the mod for a couple hours when possible, it's extremely useful for figuring out how things work and what things do.

Additional information on the mod and details on specifics will be placed in the replies, happy creating everyone~
Last edited by Heyyo 1m zee on January 5th, 2024, 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Heyyo 1m zee
Posts: 4
Joined: August 25th, 2023, 12:15 pm

Re: [guide tldr] starting out with create!

Post by Heyyo 1m zee »

[further detail on rotation and SU and Rotation]

SU is a abbreviation for Stress Units, the name used for the strength of power within a system, best way to think of it is a spinning bike tire, the rotation is the speed, the SU is the traction on the tire, every machine uses SU to function and things such as windmills and waterwheels produce SU.
rotation speed is a unique mechanic to the create mod, as the faster the rotation speed of a system is, the higher the SU demands of anything on that system, BUT the faster everything will run.
an example of this would be, you make a system with 100 SU and have it spinning at 64, your system would overstress and stop if you tried to power a mining drill, as at a speed of 64 a mining drill uses 256 SU. you can add SU to a system by connecting more producers into the system, (adding waterwheels to it or windmills or even furnace engines in the late game)
waterwheels and windmills have a base rotation speed, but you can make the systems speed faster with 2 methods, gear ratioing (early game), and the speed controller, I will attempt to add example images later but for now I'll explain it in words alone.
gear ratioing is easy but messy, take a large cogwheel and place it directly onto the end of the shaft coming from your provider, then place a smaller cog connecting to the side of the large one, the smaller cogs rotation is now doubled, and will double again every time you repeat that process.
speed controllers are a mid to late game block that automatically adjusts the speed of a system, to use them just connect the shaft part to the provider source, the place a large cogwheel in the top slit, the large cogwheel will move at the number located on the machines side, this can be adjusted up or down by holding a wench, hovering over the number with your crosshair and then using the scroll wheel of your mouse.
please note that the max speed enabled on the server is 64, any part that moves above the max speed will automatically break itself and become an item on the ground.
This should cover all the basics of SU and rotation, if I've forgot anything or you wish for me to elaborate further on anything stated here please let me know.
This concludes the Indepth explanation on SU and Rotation
Happy creating
Heyyo 1m zee
Posts: 4
Joined: August 25th, 2023, 12:15 pm

Re: [guide tldr] starting out with create!

Post by Heyyo 1m zee »

[further detail, contraptions]
contraptions are what we call any functioning (or nonfunctioning) machine within the create mod, primarily there are 3 different types of contraptions i will be going into further detail on here today, rail based, bearing based, and ground based.
Ground based contraptions are the basics, any system that uses SU and remains stationary will be a ground-based contraption.

Bearing based contraptions are contraptions that use either a SU connection into the mechanical bearing at its base or a built in windmill to power a spinning farm, this is very useful and typically used for things like tree and crop farms, the farm spins into things and depending on what parts you've glued to the contraption, the functions of the contraption will change, add a saw and it will automatically cut down any tree it hits, and a deployer and filter it, it will place whatever type of block is in its filter exactly 1 block in front of the hand or attempt to break the block 1 block away from the hand (you can set its function with a wrench, by default its set to place blocks) and so on and so forth. to learn further detail on this type of contraption and see examples, I recommend looking up "Minecraft create mod tree farms" on YouTube, as most tree farms use a bearing base design.

Rail based contraptions are almost identical to bearing based contraptions, but with 1 difference that changes everything, bearing based use a bearing. RAIL based goes onto a rail, and therefore anything built with it is mobile. to make a rail-based contraption you'll need a few things, a cart assembler, a lever, super glue, the parts you'll be using, and a minecart, to learn further detail on this type of contraption, I recommend looking up "Minecraft create mod tunnel bore" on YouTube to see examples of 1 possible use for this type.

This concludes the detailing of different types of contraptions.
Happy creating
Heyyo 1m zee
Posts: 4
Joined: August 25th, 2023, 12:15 pm

Re: [guide] starting out with create!

Post by Heyyo 1m zee »

[schematics and schematic cannons]
schematics are one of the most useful additions given by the create mod as they allow you to automatically transfer builds over from other worlds as long as you have the recourses to build it.

to make a schematic you need to have 1 piece of paper and 1 light blue dye, unless you are using multiple cannons at once you won't need more then 1 schematic at any given time.

to use a schematic to copy a build you need to make a schematic and quill, this is done by crafting the schematic with a feather.

to use the schematic and quill you right click a block on the edge of a build you wish to copy, then go to the other corner within a 3-dimensional area (click the bottom left corner in the front then the top right in the back etc). after you've done this, you will see a checkerboard like pattern overlayed over the build, right click again and everything within that overlayed pattern will be saved upon giving the schematic a name.

to transfer that build or any others you've saved into a different world you'll need 2 things to start with, a schematic cannon, and a schematic table.
once you have those 2 things you place down the schematic table and place a schematic item within the top left corner of the grid, after that you'll notice a window near the middle of the gui with names of different schematics you have saved, you can change between the different schematics using the scroll wheel, after you've selected the build you wish to paste, click the checkmark and it will upload that schematic onto the page to be used.

after you've loaded the schematic onto the item, hold the item in your hand, you'll see a blueish grey square around a empty area when holding it, this it the size of your copied build, make sure you have a area where that square can go without colliding with other blocks (ie level an area for the build)
once you have picked the area you wish to build it at, right click the schematic once the box is lined up with where you want it, a blueprint of ghost blocks will be shown in that space after you click it.
you can then adjust the placement of the schematic further buy using the scroll wheel while holding down the left ctrl button, you can change the mode of adjustment by holding the left alt key instead of ctrl.

once you've gotten the ghost where you want the structure built, place down the cannon and put the schematic inside of it within the bottom left slot, then put a chest next to the cannon touching one of its sides, now you'll need 3 things before the cannon will build the structure
1: gun powder
2: a book
3: the blocks that make up the build.

shift click the book into the cannon the same way you would shift click a item into a chest, it will then copy a list of every block you'll need for the cannon to build the schematic, and place the listed blocks into the chest you've put touching the cannon.
once you've gathered the blocks the schematic needs, place the gunpowder into the top left slot within the cannons gui grid, this fuels the cannon and allows it to work, without gunpowder it will not build.
after you've done all this, click the play triangle button, and watch as the cannon begins to launch blocks to where you clicked down the schematic and begins to build it before your very eyes

note: you need to stay within render distance of both the cannon and the build site, if the chunks unload the build will automatically stop and youll have to click play again before it will continue the build
Happy creating
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